Best Crystals for March: Stone Wisdom

Pisces fish and Aries ram over aquamarine background

Are you ready for Spring? With March comes the Equinox and the big transition between deep and watery Pisces and forward fiery Aries. Need help with this drastic energy shift? We’ve got perfect March stones to help get your engines going.


Kyanite is a versatile stone. Though we chose it for its Piscean blues and intuitive properties, kyanite actually works well with Aries, too. If you’ve got a friend born in mid-March who mixes these disparate energies, this may be the stone for them. Balancing out the headstrong individualism of Aries, kyanite is thought to facilitate cooperation and communication – qualities more often attributed to the opposite sign of Libra. Many collectors find it useful to incorporate kyanite into work around their identity, offering a gentle road toward self-analysis and improvement.

It’s also known for its healing and psychic properties, aligning it well with mystic Pisces. This stone features a rough exterior with vibrant veins of color, most commonly blue, running in columns through it. Similarly, we’re able to guide our intuition through clear channels within ourselves. Use this stone in meditations where you hope to clear those channels and align the flow of energy through your body.


Deep green flecked with red, bloodstone is a gem full of power and life. In fact, when you hold it in your palm, you may even feel a surge of energy moving through you. This mirrors the influx of warmth and vitality felt at the beginning of Spring. It’s an excellent stone for fostering the forward momentum that can help us to shake off the slow and sleepy conservation of Winter.

Often, we include reflective meditations with stones, but this month, we’re like to offer a motion-based meditation. Before completing this exercise, spend some time with your stone while setting intentions for the coming season. The Equinox on March 19th kicks off Aries season and a new zodiacal year. That makes it a great time to write down your goals, hopes, and plans.

Once you feel good about where you’re going metaphorically, take your rock for a walk literally. The more spontaneous your path, the better. Channel the energy of a curious and adventurous explorer just as you may have while following creeks or sidewalk cracks as a kid. Hold your bloodstone in your hand, and focus on your surroundings. Pay attention to al five of your senses. Invite yourself to develop new ways of seeing. When you return from your excursion, put the bloodstone somewhere you’ll see it often. Whenever it draws your attention, remind yourself of one thing you noticed on your walk.



Aquamarine is the traditional birthstone for March. With its gorgeous, icy hue, it has been a highly prized gem across cultures for centuries. Like kyanite, aquamarine’s blue tones connect us to the water element and everything it entails. Reach for aquamarine when you need to clear and connect with your higher chakras, those parts of you which correspond to your mind and spirit.

Just as water flows, aquamarine can help you to move smoothly from one phase of life, or the year, into the next. Allow it to serve as a guide for both literal and mental travel. This is a great stone to use when you want to expand your mind through conversation, experience, and explorations of consciousness. Pair it with some dreamy Tranquil-tea from our apothecary and see where it takes you!

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